Aquatic Parasite Observatory

Synhimantus laticeps (Rudolphi, 1819)

    • Species Name: Synhimantus laticeps (Rudolphi, 1819)
    • Synonyms: None
    • Taxonomy: Animalia, Nematoda, Secernentea, Spirurida, Acuarioidae, Synhimantus laticeps
    • Life Cycle: The life cycle is indirect and use a wide range of intermediate hosts (Santoro et al., 2012).
    • Description:
      1. Cuticle with clear transverse striations. Anterior end with two lateral pseudolabia. Cordons recurrent, anastomosing on each lateral surface. Cervical papilla (deirids) tricuspid and located posteriorly to the cordons. Buccal capsule narrow, long and expanded anteriorly. Four large cephalic papillae located at the base of pseudolabia. Oral aperture oval-elongated. Spicules are clearly unequal. Five pairs of post-cloacal are pedunculated papillae and one pair of sessile papillae.
    • Sources: Beyhan, Y.E. and Pekmezci, G.Z. 2010. First record of Synhimantus (S.) laticeps (Rudolphi, 1819) Railliet, Henry et Sisoff, 1912 (Nematoda, Acuariidae) in Accipiter nisus (Aves, Accipitridae) in Turkey. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg. Vol. 57, p. 139-142.
      Santoro, M., Mattiucci, S., Nascetti, G., Kinsella, J.M., Prisco, F.D. Troisi, S., D’Alessio, N., Veneziano, V., and Aznar, F.J. 2012. Helminth Communities of Owls (Strigiformes) Indicate Strong Biological and Ecological Differences from Birds of Prey (Accipitriformes and Falconiformes) in Southern Italy. PLOS one.
    • APO Parasite Records: (by Life Cycle)
      1. Host SpeciesHost Common NameSite(s) of Infection
        Tyto albaBarn Owl 

  • University of Colorado Boulder